Rita Navajas

Rita Navajas


30 years. Commercial that manages sales in the north of Spain. He studied psychology and has a lot of experience in his position. He has been with the company for a year, after arriving after passing a tough selection process.

His life slogan is "if others can, why can't I?" Phrase to which he pays homage with his successful management of the northern zone of the national territory. Crowned with fabulous results achieved in record time.

Her ambition to achieve ever greater goals make her a titan in her field. He never stops learning. Each day is a new battle that amuses her like the first day: "Rinfresco is a very serious company that you can trust without hesitation" she says with the poise of a teacher.

We are a Spanish company born in 2006 and dedicated to the purchase, sale and wholesale distribution of food products, mainly beverages. Comprising beers and soft drinks, as well as drugstore and other products.

